NCAA Verses California

NCAA Verses California

    Currently, there has been a great deal of discussion about college athletes getting paid. This has been debated for several years now. One side says players should get paid because they bring in so much money for the school but they aren’t getting any of it. On the other hand, some say that players get paid by the school giving them scholarships. This has been talked about for a while now, but now we are actually seeing some change. California has passed a law that allows athletes to hire agents and sign endorsement deals. This goes against the rules of the NCAA, but it also brings more attention to the matter.

    The law is set to go into effect in 2023. Gavin Newsom who is a democratic governor who signed the law said, “colleges and universities make millions, often at great risk to athletes’ health, academics, and professional careers” (CLICK HERE to read the article, and see more quotes from Governor Newsom). This is his main justification for signing the bill in order to create fairness. Newsom also predicts that other states will be quick to follow California in signing similar laws. The majority in favor of the bill say that it’s a matter of fairness, and this is long overdue.

    In contrast, the NCAA states that this will actually promote an unfair recruiting advantage for schools in California. The NCAA is not opposed to revising some rules to allow players to earn money, but they think it should be done on a national level through the NCAA and not through state laws. 

    This law should spark much more talk about this subject and what should be done. Here are some questions to think about: Will this law be vetoed before 2023? Will the NCAA be pressured into changing its policies? What are other possible solutions to this problem? Do you think college athletes should get paid?


  1. I don't think college athletes should get paid. I think paying college athletes would destroy college sports because it would give schools who have more money and spend more more money on athletics huge advantages. the schools who pay more will be able to get better players and will dominate sports while those who don't will fall very far behind.

  2. I do believe the NCAA will be pressured into changing its policies. California schools will definitely have an advantage in terms of recruiting players since they are offering money along with scholarships. I believe others states will start to follow in California’s foot steps so that they don’t have a disadvantage. Because of this the NCAA will be heavily criticized and will start to lose money. So I believe that the NCAA will change its policies unless they want to face heavy backlash.


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